About Us

  OUR breeding station was founded in 2023. We breed CAVALIER CING CHARLES SPANISH (all four colors) and GERMAN TOY/POMERANIAN (white).

  Let me introduce myself. My name is Natalia, I have had dogs all my life and the times were different.

  Three years ago, I discovered the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed, having studied the characteristics of the breed, I decided to buy a B&T dog that arrived from Russia after a long wait.

  It was the right decision and love at first sight! A beautiful, elegant dog with a pleasant expression, active, emotional and fearless. The dog is playful, affectionate and not prone to nervousness. Great friend and companion. In everyone he sees a future friend. The Cavalier loves active contact and gets close to children. They are not upset by too strong hugs of babies, moreover, animals sincerely enjoy them.

  It is believed that they can relieve pain and relieve tension. Extrovert dog. But, as they say, there are never many gentlemen). So Ruby the woman and our other friends joined us.

  Yes, a dog is not the meaning of life, but thanks to him, life acquires a special meaning. This breed was named after King Charles ||. 350 BC With. the image of dogs with ears was on ancient coins during the reign of the Macedonian king Philip ||. Although there is no evidence that a Spaniard is depicted on the coin, some breeders keep records of the birth of the breed from this date.

  In the 15th and 16th centuries, the first official information appears in the Canterbury Tales. Words such as "spanell", "spanel" and finally "spaniel" appear in the signatures of hunting dogs.
17th century, Spanish king Charles. Among the salty English monarchs were big fans of dogs: Henry VIII, Elizabeth, Mary Stuart, Charles | and Karol ||. Dogs are depicted in many paintings of Watteau's time,
Gainsborough, Stubbs Titian. So we can safely say that the King Charles Spaniel is a royal dog.

  In the middle of the 19th century, dogs with a short muzzle, Pekingese, Japanese beards and others came into fashion in the yard. With these breeds there was a mixture of royal Spanish. The result was a decorative dog with a domed head, wide-set eyes and a steep forehead.

  1926 - the beginning of the revival of the breed. American philanthropist Rowell Eldridge, studying medieval paintings of charming dogs, came to the conclusion that the King Charles Spaniel
does not match the image that was before.

  He decided to restore the outgoing breed type and published an announcement. “I'm looking for an old style Spanish blender like the one in the picture from Karl's time ||. Long shape, not short, surface of the skull without a tendency to convexity, with a spot in the middle of the skull. From that moment it was believed that the restoration of the old breed began.
In 1928, 14 dogs of the old type were presented at Kraft's exhibition.
At that show, Ann Son was recognized as the best dog, and according to him, the first standard of the Old New Spaniel breed was drawn up.
On the second day of the show, this standard was approved by the Kennel Club.
  At first, the Kennel Club of Great Britain considered dogs of different types to be two lines of the same breed. Dogs of different types began to mix with each other, and this led to completely unexpected results. As a result, they came to the decision that it was necessary to divide one breed into two separately.
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel retained its grace and intelligence. It has become the favorite breed of many politicians, actors and businessmen. There are many successful kennels in the European Union where breed standards are observed and the health status of the breed is monitored.
CAVALIER unites people who are in love with this amazing breed!